
Blog Init

, 208 words, 1 minutes to read

What is this blog?

I started writing articles back in 2012, ranging from travel logs to programming tutorials in PHP. I enjoy writing texts here and then when I find (or don’t find) certain things that might be interesting for others. All those articles I wrote in the past years were spread over different platforms, including self-written blog websites using flatfile storage…

A lot of these platforms, including Medium, Patreon and Ko-Fi are missing fundamentals like syntax highlighting without using screenshots or github gists, which can be very annoying considering the type of content I focus on. Other platforms have such a big overhead, that it got annoying updating, handling and keeping track, since I’m only doing such articles when I’m feeling like it.

This blog will be a revamp of everything. I’ll focus on small, comprehensive articles about obstacles I come across, mixed in with some larger articles about passionate projects.

Where can you find my old stuff?

The ones that are still online are scattered over Medium, Patreon and Ko-Fi, usually being publicly accessible unless they include behind-the-scene content.

Am I gonna maintain this blog?

I’ll certainly try. I can’t promise that it will be a steady upload but I will try.

Thanks for reading <3