
Hi, I'm Alex! ☕
I'm a software and devops engineer, living in France. Expect some posts about software engineering, devops and other tech-related topics. I'm using NixOS btw.
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Recent Posts

Some of you might use Mastodon, have an account there or at least heard of it. One feature of a mastodon profile is the Profile metadata, which lets you add all kinds of text and links to your profile.

I’m reading articles and news daily from many different sources. I used to only read them on my phone before sleeping but I also started browsing blogs on my laptop at some point.

Yesterday, I showed how I set up my home server with caddy to retrieve SSL certificates and serve my self-hosted services like paperless-ngx and Jellyfin on human-readable domain names with SSL encryption.

What is Caddy and why do I use it Caddy can be called a multipurpose webserver, coming with a large subset of modules and being ready for most applications out-of-the-box while keeping a simple configuration.

Have you ever heard about GPG (or GnuPG)? Yes? Gooood :3 No? Give it a quick search and check it out, it can be some nerd fun.

Refactoring some old code can be refreshing. Seriously ! xD (at least for me). So it seemed very close to my mind to take a look at the card editor of FurrCard again after finishing the majority of features that I implemented.

Since I don’t want to handle with emails and passwords on FurrCard, I solely rely on common oauth providers like Discord and GitHub for authentication.

Blog Init

What is this blog? I started writing articles back in 2012, ranging from travel logs to programming tutorials in PHP. I enjoy writing texts here and then when I find (or don’t find) certain things that might be interesting for others.

What is gaia? Gaia is..or better will be.. an easy but deep software to manage your pets, targeting Reptile and Insect-Hobbyists.

About 2 years ago, I wrote a small library to create menus on an ESP8266/32 utilising the SSD1306 OLED Display and MicroPython.